AI Summit 2025: What to Expect as Paris AI Summit Kicks Off

President Macron’s Vision for AI: Can He Sell It?:-

So those are President macron’s priorities his vision for artificial intelligence but can he sell it to other world leaders and businessmen that is the question that everyone is asking and we’ll have an answer by tomorrow hopefully that’s when this Global AI Summit will wrap up but let’s not get ahead of ourselves .

The third Global Summit on artificial intelligence the first hosted by Britain and second by South Korea this one has two co-chairs France and India the focus is on regulation geopolitics and practical applications we visited the summit venue earlier today just like the whole city it’s got a different Buzz about it less of History more of future .

Global Leaders and CEOs Gather for AI Summit in Paris:-

Now take a to Paris welcome to the Grand palet welcome to the AI action Summit and it’s underway the third Global Summit on artificial intelligence this time in Paris dozens of world leaders and CEOs are gathering here they have come from more than 100 countries and their goal to shape the future of AI from India prime minister Narendra Modi is here he’s co-chairing the summit with French .

Macron’s Pitch: A Third Way for AI:-

President macron from the US Donald Trump is not making the trip but his vice president JD Vans has already reached Paris and from China Xi Jinping has dispatched his vice Premier so attendance is quite impressive this is where the AI Summit is being held at the 125y old gr palet when it was built back in 1900 it was dedicated to what they call the glory of French Arts the idea was to Showcase France’s leadership in the realm of Fine Arts now more than a century later France is hoping to show leadership in a different drill that of artificial intelligence president macron is hoping to pitch a Third Way Forward in AI .

The AI Summit’s Changing Tone: From Alarm to Divisions:-

Different from Chinese and American models now looking at the guests list one thing is clear macron has managed to bring the people who matter to the same table the question is can he get them on the same page as well a big Tech delegation is also here leading it is Google Sund picai and open AIC o Sam Alman the rapid growth of AI has largely been driven by these private firms so if you want to shape AI you need tech bosses today is day one of the summit it focuses on conferences and round tables mostly the Civil Society part of the event .

Practical Applications of AI: Moving from Fiction to Reality:-

AI has changed over the years the first one was in Britain where the mood was dull and the tone was alarmist it was all about setting up guard rails and and checking the expansion of AI without regulation uh and almost all countries present there signed that joint deal the second Summit was in South Korea where we saw some divisions the US and its allies signed a joint deal India and China were not part of it and in this third Summit in Paris the divisions are Starker and deeper and the shadow of Chad GPT versus deep sea Can America versus China looms large over the meeting expect the Geo politics of AI to dominate talks until now it’s been a race between China and America but president macron wants to join it he wants to offer an alternative to those two models beyond that there are two areas of focus the first is on sustainable AI you need swarms of data centers to train and operate these models most of them especially in the US run on oil and gas .

Potential Divisions Over AI Regulations and Joint Statement:-

Climate activists demonstrating in the city they were calling for clean data centers data centers which are the backbone of AI use a lot of electricity and a lot of energy and there’s a big question in Europe of how they’re going to be powered are they going to be powered by fossil fuels or by renewable energy macro has promised to raise this issue the second area of focus is the Practical applications of artificial intelligence in fields like medicine education and transport macro’s onvo says forget the science fiction around AI focus on concrete applications it is high time that we move from science fiction to the real world of applications of AI with its unprecedented poent potential artificial intelligence fuels both immense hopes and at times exaggerated fear today you will be able here at the Grand P to see concrete applications and use cases of AI to this end a new project is being planned current AI a public private partnership between dozens of countries it will have $400 million in initial funding its mission is to expand AI usage by investing .

Conclusion: The Road Ahead for AI Regulations and Geopolitics:-

In open source AI tools and by giving access to high quality data sets this initiative will get some Applause but it won’t be enough all eyes will be on the joint statement parts of it have been leaked to the Press already and AI experts are not happy they say the regulations and guard rails are not enough plus Reports say the US may not sign on most of the statement was drafted under Joe Biden’s presidency so Donald Trump is not keen on it such divisions could hamper this Paris meeting we are racing against the clock to regulate artificial intelligence before it becomes too powerful we cannot afford to burn opportunities like this we’re calling the show Vantage we hope you like what we put together for you counted as the minimum def from that India’s were the first to send the special edition of Vantage Liv of the White House throughout theity Hindu Mand in we’re on our way to T measure but it’s also the perfect way don’t think prime minister of Bhutan Shar welcome to 60% of the walls off Prime Minister Modi did the we were actually you doing how do you like it’s been one year since that meet iron bar separate you from the outside the vote effort Trump hat it says and at $4.3 trillion 4.300 billion by 2030 .

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