Elon Musk’s Growing Family: 13 Kids and Counting:-
Elon Musk 13 kids folks 13 and it looks like Elon Musk could save human Civilization by himself now the latest woman to give birth to one of his children she goes by the name Ashley St Clair and she wants to make something clear she is not a conservative not a conservative because you already have a child and now you’re having a child with Elon Musk the world’s richest dude and listen nobody’s perfect but you know conservatives tend to align with with these you know Traditional Values like the nuclear family and Elon Musk having so many different kids with so many different women that doesn’t really align with Traditional Values .
Ashley St. Clair: Not a Conservative, But Part of Musk’s Expanding Family:-
Now somebody might say well Matt why do you care he has more money than than you know everybody in the world he he can he can take care of these kids but as we find out and as Elon Musk has mentioned some of his kids have have some issues and and maybe that stems from their dad not spending enough time with them you know money is time and maybe he can use some of his money to buy more time to hang out with his 13 now 13 kids now Ashley she has a past you know a lot of people she’s don’t want to be a dick but Ashley she’s not who you think she is and it it’s just kind of weird that they kept this a secret .
Elon Musk’s Fatherhood: Will His Wealth Replace Time Spent with His Kids?:-
Now she said she kept this a secret for the safety of their child five months ago welcomed a new baby into the world Elon Musk is the father have not previously disclose this to protect our child’s privacy and safety oh bull crap you just want attention but in recent days it has become clear that the Tabloid media intends to do so regardless of the harm it will cause intend to allow our child to grow in a normal and safe environment for that reason.
Ashley St. Clair’s Secret Baby and the Media Attention:-
Invasive reporting yo Ashley give me a damn break all right that’s the reason listen you said this because you want the attention and you know you know Elon have as many kids as you want but that that’s not you know it doesn’t take a rocket scientist no pun intended uh to see that this isn’t this isn’t good just because the world’s in population declin doesn’t mean you just go pop out babies wherever you want listen if you’re going to have so many kids and a and a and a and a big portion of them are going to come out mentally screwed up it makes you wonder should you even have them you know a lot of people have kids that shouldn’t have kids just because you you you you stick your penis into something and make a child we all know it’s about how you raise that kid anybody can create a child but you know raising a child uh encouraging that child to be a good contribute good into society.
Musk’s Child, Politics, and the Media Spotlight:-
Elon musk’s one of his kids did he let us know Donald Trump won before we even knew is there actually is this a conspiracy or or or is Elon rubbing something in our face folks well you have you have in space ax and quietly just do whatever we want what’s your assessment is this did this work is he going to win yeah yeah it is for now think it’s done you think it’s done but never know looking at the data as as it comes in from every County in Pennsylvania so were they calling the election before it even happened and yes he’s a four-year-old kid picking his nose putting .
Final Thoughts: Is Musk’s Parenting Style Working?:-
In the Oval Office and even though on the fence about Elon Musk there’s still a lot of questions that this is not gonna be Elon musk’s last child think he is going to have at least 20 kids don’t kid yourself folks.